Santa Fe Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche



Memorial to Holy Innocents


Sunday October 29th 2017

Blessing of the Unborn Memorial


Video of Blessing    10/29, 2017



Pictures from 10/29/17   Blessing of Memorial

A Confirmation Class from Lake City made a pilgrimage to the Shrine and  participated in the Blessing Prayers

The Religious Education Classes of St. Madeleine also participated in the Blessing Prayers.







Jeremiah - Chapter 1:5
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; before you came to birth I consecrated you; I appointed you as prophet to the nations."

Few "Crosses to Bear" are as deeply painful as the loss of one's child - a sadness and void that continues through life. Maybe this seemingly helpless feeling and hardship especially inflicts the parents of the innocent children lost during a miscarriage. No words can comfort the parents who will never have the joy of holding their baby in their arms and watching their child grow in size and awareness of the world that surrounds us. Nobody that has avoided, by the Grace of God, this deeply personal loss can fully understand the agony these parents so deeply feel.

Also suffering are the countless parents that suffer from the realization that their choice of abortion was a very serious error and offence to God. Their awareness comes too late to save their child and this understanding brings a lifetime of regret - sometimes even unconsciously. More serious than the abortion is the DENIAL of a merciful and forgiving God. This lack of Trust in the Lord all too frequently causes these suffering parents to leave God, to leave their church, and in defense of their feeling become an enemy of Faith, have a loss of Peace, and live a life with an indescribable void.

This Memorial / Monument is a reminder to pray for all who suffer - that they will find comfort in the Lord.